CeCe Marizu, Intern 

In honor of the 2012 Olympic games this summer in London, I thought it only fitting that this  blog channel the inner Olympian in every PR guru out there.

An Olympic year represents more than just a month of high level athletic performance. An Olympic year represents years and years of preparation, hard work, and dedication.   With the Olympics only coming every four years people fail to realize that most Olympians have been preparing for over half their lives and they’ve developed certain qualities that separate them from the ever other athlete out there.

In PR it’s not just that one big story or big event that helps a client, it’s the years and years of what has been done to propel a client to their biggest goals.  Along the way there may be a few hurdles to overcome, but that’s where PR helps out in monumentous ways.  When watching this year’s Olympic games, get inspired in your own profession to channel your inner Olympian. 

Below are qualities of an Olympian that any working professional should emulate:

Competitive: Every athlete has this inner desire to be the absolute best.  They’re constantly thinking about what their other opponents are doing and making sure they’re doing more and doing it better.  Everyone likes to win, but more than winning an athlete HATES to lose. PR people should always try to be a step ahead of their clients needs, whether it’s on research or communication techniques with social media. Staying competive keeps your profession exciting and gives you a reason to keep on improving.

Dedicated work ethic:  The best athletes are the people willing to workout longer and put in the extra effort when needed.  They go above and beyond and work hard even when their coach isn’t looking.  For all the collegiate athletes out there, the 20 hour a week rule was just a stamp to remain average.  Every student-athlete out there knows that in order to win, more than 20 hours is needed to be the best.  In PR if you want to keep getting better it’s important to put the extra work into your clients, and make sure they know you’re going above and beyond to represent them.

Attention to detail:  As a swimmer I focused on the little details.   Sometimes the little details from the start of a race off the block to the way your hand enters and exits the water can be the different in yor trip to the Olympics or your chance at riding the couch at home. In PR the little details may help you understand a client’s needs better or help fine tune your own work.   

Accountability: The best athletes know when they’ve made a mistake and they’re willing to acknowledge them in order to improve.  In PR not everyday will be perfect because if it was there wouldn’t be a need for PR.  If a problem occurs make sure to hold yourself accountable for your actions.  It doesn’t help anyone on the team when someone can’t take responsibility.  I’ve learned that when mistakes are acknowledged they help you learn and grow.

Mental preparation: The athlete’s biggest challenge is not the person in the other lane or across the court, but the person inside. The inner voice that tells you that you’ve put the work in for this moment can turn into the voice that also has certain doubts.  However, the best athletes overcome the doubts and focus on the “NOW.”  In PR it’s important to prepare for every story about a client that may come out, know that you’ve done the research, and be prepared to handle the situation. 

Perseverance: I have a friend who has a little brother who is a true stud on the football field, and he used to end his messages with, “Never give up!”  He’s probably going to be the next superstar athlete because he knows how to persevere when it looks like the world may crumble (losing sometimes can feel like the world is over).  No matter what happens in any career perseverance is a must!  There will be good and bad days, but it’s the person who fights through and sees the positive that ultimately has the most success.

Now that you’re “feeling very Olympic” take that energy into your work day. You may not be in London representing your country, but who says you can’t take that fire inside and apply it to work?