By Patrick Skarr, Senior Account Supervisor and Julia Schatz, Account Supervisor
Writer’s block. We’ve all confronted this challenge through school, college and in our careers. In our field of PR, not only can we face writers block, but we can also face the challenge of “pitch block.” Sitting in the office during a brainstorm, you mine the depths of your mind searching for the ‘golden pitch’ that will help showcase your clients in the best of light.
You know the answer and it often helps to put yourself in viewers or readers perspective. Doing so helps you reduce complexity, make messages simple and helps you say what you want to, as concisely as you can.
It always helps to have great clients who have institutional knowledge that viewers can benefit from. Today, our friends at Universal Technical Institute – Lisle did a wonderful job demonstrating why they are the nation’s leading school in their industry.
In helping brainstorm the car care tips they provided today on WGN Morning News’ Around Town segment, we focused on what non-automotive viewers could easily understand and appreciate. For example, how to top off your car’s oil (one of the authors of this post recently struggled with that), or what to look for when buying a used car both can apply to a wide audience.
Oh, and of course it also helps to have a fantastic media team to work with that embraces the softer side of news! Can’t say enough about working with @anabelaval and @tomwgnchicago!
You can watch one of UTI’s hits on WGN here: https:///