Ashleigh Johnston,  Account Executive

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ― Dr. Seuss

Despite a miserable spring so far, I feel like summer is in our reach. This means summer reading – a favorite hobby of mine. My ideal Saturday morning activity is to grab a lawn chair and a book and read until either the humidity or the sun or both gets to me. Sunshine and reading goes hand-in-hand.

It creates a disconnect to normal, day-to-day obligations and worries, a chance to create another world entirely and immerse myself in it for awhile. It’s a learning opportunity that doesn’t feel like a lecture.  Reading expands your mind, teaches you new words, makes you think and gets into your mind in ways you don’t even realize.

Whether you sit down to read for five minutes or five hours, reading will keep your mind fresh and only serve to make you a more well-rounded individual. Read the news, a novel, blog, whatever sounds good that day, but make it something you enjoy.

Not sure what to read? Ask around. You’d be surprised what a conversation starter it can be. It has helped me bridge the gap with strangers, clients and coworkers. I’ll start the conversation here – I’m currently reading “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series by Douglas Adams. I’ll finish it before I can sit out on a lawn chair without a sweatshirt so I’m always open to suggestions.

I look forward to my next read like I’d look forward to meeting a new friend.