July 22, 2018

Client: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hopsital of Chicago

Source: Northwest Herald

“Though he was taken too soon, 10-year-old Mason Parrish left an imprint of himself not just through the family that loved him, but through a truly unique imagination that will live on to provoke laughter, hope and the power of “what if” for years to come.

The two went to see “Night at the Museum” together one evening and Mason’s reaction to the film sparked an idea that drove Chris to the side of the road, literally.

“He said ‘Dad I liked it, but it’s sort of boring that it was in a museum. It should have been in an amusement park. And it should have been about the kid, not Ben Stiller’. I pulled over and thought, ‘wow, I should write that’,” Chris said.”

Read full article via the Northwest Herald.