Evan Jackson, Intern

As an English major my freshman year at Carthage College, I was unsure as to what I would do with the knowledge I had gained when looking for a career.  My sophomore year I decide to change my major to Political Science.  I felt this knowledge and skillset was more aligned with my long term goals and my desired career path.  After two years, in this major, I have broadened my horizon, leading to various interests and opportunities to pursue after graduation.

As I began to look for an internship I was hesitant, fearing I would not find a fit for what I was looking to do.  Instead of selling myself short, I decided to take a step of faith and started looking for companies in different industries that did not solely focus on my major.  Rather, I began looking for a company that used several fields of expertise while working with a wide variety of companies.  Culloton Strategies, a public relations and public affairs firm, was the best fit.

This summer I plan to give my undivided attention, absorbing all I can from the professionals here at Culloton Strategies.  With the intention of accepting the challenges of this endeavor with an open mind, I am willing to take constructive criticism to ultimately make my efforts here as beneficial as possible.  Starting every day with a positive attitude, taking every task in stride, just remembering “left, right, left, right.”

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”-Martin Luther King, Jr.