Jodie Kaplan, Vice President of Media Relations and Branding

Pinterest is a great tool to not only promote your client and their products, but to give them a shout out for great press as well. Pinterest is a more dynamic option than simply posting the article on a website.

Pinterest works extremely well for tangible products, but it can be used for other things.  While it is great to take a Hershey’s bar and post a recipe using the product, it’s even better when it comes from a blog and has been “pinned” organically.  In fact, just a few days ago I “re-pinned” a photo of an iPhone that took me to a blog featuring the top 20 tips on how to use your phone to its maximum abilities.  I trusted it because it came from a reliable source and I learned something new.  I wrote a nice note under the photo expressing how much it helped me, and soon enough 40 additional users had “re-pinned” it.

Now how does this work if your client is a lawyer?

Or how can you use it if you are building a grassroots coalition to create awareness about a bill?

This is where you need to get creative.

If your intent is to reach the masses, then Pinterest is definitely one way to do that.  According to an article by Fast Company, it took one day for the Pinterest App for the iPad/iPhone to hit number one.  Pinterest has become the future of commerce and the way consumers find new and exciting brands, styles, recipes, ideas and more.   This is why you need to get in the game.

In order to make it work for a publicity campaign, whether it’s an article, a blog or even a press release, you should always include a photo with a purpose.

Consumers are always looking for tips and information.  If you can provide quality information to them in a visual way, it is to your benefit.  By actively pinning to your boards, categorizing them to show up in searches and having them lead back to websites where additional information can be found, you will be fully maximizing the use of Pinterest.

So get “pinning”!