NBC5 Chicago – Company Offers Training as Shared Scooters Arrive in Chicago

Client: Lime Scooter Source: NBC5 Chicago "Shared electric scooters will be hitting the streets of Chicago, and one of the companies participating in the program is offering tips on how to operate and ride them safely...Lime is kicking off Chicago's program with a "First Ride Academy" that will include basics of safe scooter riding and

2020-06-23T19:08:12+00:00June 15, 2019|Tags: , , |

Bridal Checklist: Prenuptial Agreement

April 30th, 2019.Client: Schiller, DuCanto & FleckSource: Ronda-IsmsRonda Lee“Many forget the first charge from the officiate before administering vows is that marriage is not to be entered lightly but advisedly. The stakes are too high to not have a prenuptial agreement.”“Women are waiting later to marry after earning degrees, starting a business, or buying property.

2019-06-24T01:17:16+00:00April 30, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Movies coming soon to a ballpark near you!

May 1st, 2019. Client: Gallagher Way / Chicago Cubs Source: NBC5 Chicago. "Movies coming soon to a ballpark near you! This Summer come check out movie night at Gallagher Way. From romantic comedies to action films, sit back, relax and watch all of your favorite movies at Wrigley's Gallagher Way." Read full article via NBC5

2019-06-24T02:09:57+00:00April 23, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Community input needed for confronting mental health

April 22nd, 2019 Client: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Source: Austin Weekly News "'The West Side Community Triage and Wellness Center center, located at 4133 W. Madison Ave., has been holding a series of forums this month to help mitigate violence and trauma on the West Side.  Rush medical system hosts

Gallagher Way Announces Spring, Summer 2019 Programming

May 9th, 2018 Client: Gallagher Way Source: Patch "Gallagher Way has launched its spring and summer programming schedule, which includes new and enhanced programs, movies, a fitness series, live music and an open-air market. Throughout 2019, Gallagher Way will play host to more than 200 events and programs available for all ages. The spring and

2019-06-24T02:10:38+00:00April 15, 2019|Tags: , , |

Naperville robotics competitors learn ‘it can’t just sometimes work’

March 14th, 2019. Client: Navistar Source: Daily Herald "Huskie Robotics and three other teams in the FIRST Robotics Midwest Regional were sponsored by Lisle-based Navistar, which provides financial support for parts and technical support for construction, said Kristin Sattayatam, director of employee communications and community relations. It's exciting for Navistar experts to work with students

2020-06-29T22:15:19+00:00March 14, 2019|Tags: , |

Churchill Downs Heading Toward Finish Line for Rivers Casino deal

February 23rd, 2019. Client: Rivers Casino Source: Daily Herald "An Illinois agency as soon as this week may consider approval of Churchill Downs Inc.'s proposed deal for majority ownership in Rivers Casino in Des Plaines, with sports betting cited as a reason the Louisville-based company wants to expand its Chicago-area presence beyond Arlington Park Racecourse."

2019-06-24T02:10:46+00:00February 23, 2019|Tags: , , |

Developers say Aurora’s old Copley Hospital site about 60 percent cleaned up

February 11th, 2019. Client: Fox Valley Developers LLC. Source: Chicago Tribune Cleanup of the old Copley Hospital site in Aurora has been slow, tedious work in cold and wet weather – a bit more difficult than members of the Fox Valley Developers LLC team first anticipated. Yet group members are more bullish on the site’s

2019-06-24T02:11:24+00:00February 11, 2019|Tags: , , , , |
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