What would any company be without a great team?

“Good-to-great management teams consist of people who debate vigorously in search of the best answer, yet who unify behind decisions, regardless of parochial interests.” -Jim Collins


Jodie (Shpritz) Kaplan, Vice President of Media Relations and Branding

Having worked in a newsroom for eights years, I learned it is vitally important to work together and be a team player.   Everyone plays their part in accomplishing great work.  Plus you can always learn from the junior staff.  After all, Julia and CeCe have both taught me that it is important to keep things fun and lighthearted while working long and sometimes stressful hours!  After all, everyone needs a good laugh.


Tracey Mendrek, Senior Consultant

A good communication strategy requires teamwork, especially with a fast moving announcement or crisis situation.  Last week we rolled out two major announcements for a client, one traditional media blitz and one 24 hour social media campaign.  Without the attention to detail of our team members, CeCe Marizu and Julia Schatz, we would not have been able to garner the recognition our client deserved.  As with proofreading, two sets of eyes are better than one.  Kudos to Team Culloton for a great week.


Ashleigh Johnston, Consultant

My tiny nugget of teamwork wisdom: There is no right or wrong answer in PR. It’s often your best judgment based on your own experiences and that’s where the team comes in. No one’s experiences are alike and the collective voice is stronger than one person going at it alone. Especially when you’re just learning the industry, working with your colleagues is the best way to learn.


Julia Schatz, Consultant

As a firm that focuses on public relations strategy, teamwork is critical to our business. The best ideas come from collaboration. Everyone here has different values, education, work and personal experiences. This allows everyone to bring their own unique perspective to a situation. Teamwork brings these perspectives together to create strategies that position our clients in the best possible manner to help them reach their desired outcome.  As someone who is in the beginning of my career, learning how others in the office approach situations and provide solution-oriented plans is incredibly interesting and a skill set I hope to embrace from those around me.


CeCe Marizu, Account Executive

I have had the privilege of sitting down with each Culloton Strategies team member one-on-one over the past couple months.  I picked their brains about their personal passions, their vision for Culloton Strategies, how to write a proper press release, and more. I realized that each team member at CS is unique and powerful all at the same time.  They also all have flaws that I can honestly say makes them human.  As a junior staff member it’s easy to forget that along the way we’re all still learning.  I’m fortunate enough to learn from people who are willing to take risks, call out mistakes, and execute strategy with confidence.   Your strengths on a team are your threat, but the team who acknowledges their weaknesses and works on them is unstoppable.


Steve Flaherty, Intern

As my time as a member of the Northwestern football team ended, I was fortunate enough to become part of another team, the Culloton team.  I have only been here a few weeks, but from what I have seen so far many of the same characteristics that make a great football team are the same characteristics that make a great PR team.

Effective communication is one of the main characteristics I have noticed so far.  In both sports and PR, effective communication allows a team to act as a cohesive unit.  A team of individuals may perform fine when everything is going well, but that team can become prone to mistakes during times of duress.  A cohesive team is prepared for any crisis because they have used effective communication all along.